Preventative Dentistry

Serving Central Iowa and the Greater Des Moines Area | Located in Des Moines, IA 
Serving Central Iowa and the Greater Des Moines Area | Located in Des Moines, IA
Call Us Today

Retain Your Smile With Our Excellent Preventative Dental Care

Preventative dental care can minimize the risk of gum diseases, enamel discoloration, and dental decay. Visit Roemmich Family Dental today for a thorough dental examination. Roemmich Family Dental staff will also guide you through various preventative measures to keep your smile healthy and beautiful.

While waiting at our clinic, you can take advantage of our FREE Wi-Fi. You can c ontact us for emergency dental services and same-day appointments .

A dentist is sitting next to a little girl in a dental chair.

Our Preventative Dentistry Services

  • Adult and children routine dental cleanings
  • Scaling and root planing
  • An evaluation of your full medical and dental history
  • Comprehensive dental exam
  • Oral cancer screening
  • Periodontal evaluation
  • Oral hygiene instruction
  • Dental x-rays
Call us at 
515-282-1359 for your appointment today!
"These folks know how to make your trip to the dentist a pleasant visit. They are so people friendly – never in a rush to empty that chair. They take time to know me and my family members intimately. Thanks Dr. Copley and all of your staff for making me smile." – Ramona
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